UVA-696 - How Many Knights

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  • 本題選為「20170926 大學程式能力檢定 CPE」題目。


在西洋棋裡面的騎士,走法和中國象棋的走法很類似,是走「日」字的對角格。如下圖所示,假設格子裡的 N 為騎士的所在位置,而圖中 X 為騎士可以走的下一步,所以本題希望在給定棋盤大小後,算出可以容納的最多騎士個數,且騎士之間彼此不能被攻擊到。

  X   X  
X       X
X       X
  X   X  


The input consists of pairs of integers giving values for M and N, followed by a pair of zeroes.


For each input pair, display the number of rows and columns in the board, and the number of knights that can be appropriately placed.

Sample Input

2 3
5 5
4 7
0 0

Sample Output

4 knights may be placed on a 2 row 3 column board.
13 knights may be placed on a 5 row 5 column board.
14 knights may be placed on a 4 row 7 column board.
Yung-Sheng Lu
Hello, I'm Yung-Sheng Lu. I am a graduate student in Department of Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. I am in the Networking and Sensing Systems (NSS) Lab at NCTU.
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