UVA-10642 - Can You Solve It?

  • UVa Online Judge 解題結果請於 Submit 後,參閱 uHunt
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  • 相同題目:NCTU-23821


請參考下圖的二維座標系統 (笛卡兒座標系),垂直為 軸,水平為 軸,每個圓點有一個座標。在座標系統上可以隨著箭頭所表示之路徑,從座標上的一圓點出發移動到另一圓點,所經過之路徑的距離定義為:經過的座標點數加 ,例如從 必須先經過 兩點,所以距離等於 。本題會給定兩個座標點,請你計算從出發點到目的點的距離,你可以假設不能用箭頭的反方向回頭。


The first line in the input is the number of test cases n (0 < n 500) to handle. Following there are n lines each containing four integers (0 ≤ each_integer 100,000) the first pair of which represents the coordinates of the source circle and the other represents that of the destination circle. The coordinates are listed in a form .


For each pair of integers your program should output the case number first and then the number of step(s) to reach the destination from the source. You may assume that it is always possible to reach the destination circle from the source circle.

Sample Input

0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 2

Sample Output

Case 1: 1
Case 2: 2
Case 3: 3
Yung-Sheng Lu
Hello, I'm Yung-Sheng Lu. I am a graduate student in Department of Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. I am in the Networking and Sensing Systems (NSS) Lab at NCTU.
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