UVA-10420 - List of Conquests

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  • 相同題目:ZOJ-a743


在「唐.喬凡尼」歌劇第一幕中,僕人雷波雷諾 (Leporello) 拿著一本小冊子告訴唐納.愛爾維拉 (Donna Elvira) 有關他的主人的風流事蹟:「這本小冊子記錄著每位與我的主人交往過的女子芳名,你瞧瞧,在義大利有 位,在德國有 位,法國 位, 位在土耳其,在西班牙甚至超過 位,各國、各年齡層、各社會階層的婦女都有。」這本冊子上的人名是以時間順序來記錄,每次雷波雷諾要告訴別人他主人的作風時都很麻煩,因為以國別來分類時都必須重新算一遍。你必須寫程式幫助他做計算。


The input consists of at most 2000 lines. The first line contains a number n, indicating that there will be n more lines. Each following line, with at most 75 characters, contains a country (the first word) and the name of a woman (the rest of the words in the line) Giovanni loved. You may assume that the name of all countries consist of only one word.


The output consists of lines in alphabetical order. Each line starts with the name of a country, followed by the total number of women Giovanni loved in that country, separated by a space.

Sample Input

Spain Donna Elvira
England Jane Doe
Spain Donna Anna

Sample Output

England 1
Spain 2
Yung-Sheng Lu
Hello, I'm Yung-Sheng Lu. I am a graduate student in Department of Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. I am in the Networking and Sensing Systems (NSS) Lab at NCTU.
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